We believe in the power of entertainment to transport you to other worlds. Our goal is to make every stream an exhilarating journey, filled with sci-fi wonders and digital delights, designed to captivate your imagination and keep you on the edge of your seat.


We open doors to new dimensions of knowledge and understanding, offering a diverse range of thought-provoking shows and documentaries. Join us to explore groundbreaking ideas and gain fresh perspectives on the world and beyond.


We're not just about watching stories; we're about fueling your imagination and encouraging you to believe in the limitless possibilities of the future. Our mission at Atomic is to inspire the dreamers, the innovators, and the future trailblazers.


Atomic is a brand new streaming service for Techies, Trekkies, Geeks, Gamers, and beyond. Think of us as your personal Holodeck, offering a galaxy of thought-provoking, curiosity-piquing content. Join us as we chart a course to the world of tomorrow – a place where jet packs aren't just for The Jetsons and cars don't need roads.

Here at Atomic, we're all about exploring the endless possibilities of the future, from space adventures to groundbreaking technologies. We will be streaming Atomic Original programs, scripted and non-scripted, feature films and acquired programming from all over the planet for fans of science fiction, fantasy, and all things futuristic.

We're in the business of fueling the imagination of the next generation of trailblazers – the ones who'll make Elon Musk say, "Wow, why didn't I think of that?" Atomic caters to the dreamers, the innovators, the visionaries, and the rebels who believe in the power of an idea to change the universe.

We're not just feeding your binge-watching habit; we're fueling the minds of the next Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, and, who knows, maybe even the next Spock. In the wise words of Steve Jobs, "The ones who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do."

Why wait for the future when we can invent it, one epic storyline at a time? Engage with Atomic and let's make sci-fi dreams a reality!

Welcome aboard,

The Atomic Team 🖖